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 The Uncommon Love Hare Krishna!! I hope you all liked my work, and If you still haven't, Please go to  Uncommon Love Of Uncommon Ages and share your opinions. When we talk about love, the only first thing that strikes to mind is "Shrimati Radhi Rani". The devotion you all have heard she had for Krishna, the Pure Uncommon, Unconditional, Unbounded Love they both have for each other, if you gain one single drop from the spark coming from them, you won't be feeling unhappy again. The Uncommon truth is, if you're trying to find love in this eternal universe, you'll find it in none other than on the lotus feet of Shri Hari Mahaprabhu and Radha Rani.  But if you find someone in your life, never bind them with anything, let them free. If they still want to continue with the given freedom and like to offer you their support, care, loyalty, trust, and love, then marry the person with the sesame offerings. This is the modern love in these uncommon ages today and the

Usual Facts About Our Unusual Universe